
17. Jun 2021
Ai Mega Event 2021

We are pleased to announce our brand-new collaboration with Ai Events. 2e Systems will be a sponsor and attending the upcoming Mega Event 2021. 

You don’t wanna miss the first day! Our CEO and Founder, Phil Douglas, will be pitching at the Lions’ Den! We are already excited to hear about some of the pioneering software solutions we achieved during the last 21 years and how it helped our airline clients to save money, create revenue and increase passenger loyalty: “How it started and… how it's going”. 

The virtual conference will advise aviation delegates about loyalty, ancillaries, merchandising, and “where the money is”. Industry-leading experts will share their front-line insights during panel discussions, Q&A times, and presentations. The event will be held online from June 22 – 24, 2021. 

You are an airline representative, and you haven’t signed up yet? Please check out the event here:

01. Jun 2021
AGIFORS Crew Management Study Group meeting 2021

Join us for six exciting days of Crew product presentations, live panels, and come and check out our latest cool features for eeCrewConnect® and eeCrew2go!

2e Systems will be a Gold Sponsor for the upcoming virtual Agifors Crew Management Meeting 2021.

This year the Crew Management Study Group meeting will start on the 7th of June 2021. The virtual conference is spread out over 6  sessions in two weeks. The sessions will be on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, each of 3 hours. All sessions will start at 14:00 UTC and run through to 17:00 UTC. 

Don't miss our Product Manager, Vedran Banjeglav, who will be giving a presentation summarizing our state of the art Crew Communication product eeCrewConnect®, and focussing on the new enhancements for our Crew App eeCrew2go, on Monday 7th of June @ 15:45 UTC.

Don't miss the event:

25. Oct 2019
IATA AIR Symposium 2019

October 29-31, 2019

Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre
Bangkok, Thailand 

Retail is at the heart of all current aviation industry transformation efforts - in an increasingly digital world, airlines' future performance largely depends on how quickly they can transform their existing distribution and payment processes into a digital retailing environment.

IATA's Airline Industry Retailing (AIR) Symposium will bring industry leaders together and addressing all the key topics. Please stop by our booth #5 and join our 2e team for meaningful conversations and informative demonstrations of our digital solutions for passenger and crew in vibrant Bangkok!

16. Oct 2019
IATA AIR Hackathon 2019 in Frankfurt

This weekend 12 - 13 October 2019, 2e Systems supported Hahn Air as an API provider at the IATA AIR Hackathon in Frankfurt. Our 2e team, Product Manager Javier Martos (pictured middle left) and Software Analyst Ahmed Alsarie (middle right), attended the successful event together with Hahn Air’s Head of NDC Christopher Allison (left) and NDC Integration Manager Vicente Zepeda Cabral (right).

During the Hackathon, developers from around the world were asked to build solutions to enhance airlines’ retailing capabilities. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) initiative, called AIR - Airline Industry Retailing (NDC) is gaining more traction in the industry as airlines aim to achieve improvement of their distribution of products and services. 

The teams could pick from 2 challenges, “Carbon Offset” and “Leisure Travel”, by using at least one of the Application Programming Interfaces (API) available at the event. Hahn Air’s New Distribution Capability (NDC) APIs powered by 2e Systems was the 3rd most used API Gateway from the “NDC API” category and we are pleased that our APIs were used by the team "App in the air” who won in the category the “NDC Leisure Prize for Corporates”. Congratulations to all the winners!

10. Oct 2019
NACU (North American Crew Utilization) Conference Fall 2019

2e Systems will attend the Fall NACU (North American Crew Utilization) Conference from October 15-17, 2019 in Los Cabos, Mexico. The conference is focused on Crew Scheduling, Planning and Technology, and is hosted this year by Aeromexico. Please visit our 2e Systems Account Manager James Stramel in the Exhibition Area. He is  looking forward to demonstrate and discuss our Crew Scheduling and Communication product - eeCrewConnect® - and also introduce you to our cool new features.