2e Systems signs new customer Virgin America

2e Systems is pleased to announce Virgin America as its newest customer for the eeCrewConnect® Crew Member notifications platform.
The platform notifies inflight and flight deck crew members in changes to their schedule, as well as any relevant flight changes. As a second phase - the carrier will add ground transportation and hotel notifications and also opted for a Crew Member App which will provide a real-time view into the current schedule including any pending notifications.
"We look forward to implementing the platform provided by 2e Systems as it will support us in managing one-to-one communication with crews, something that is especially important when our operation is challenged by inclement weather and airport closures," said Virgin America's Director of Crew Resources Kevin Burian. "We believe that this new tool will be invaluable for our crew schedulers and crew members alike, allowing us to communicate updates on schedule changes to crews in real time. For our guests, the tool will mean fewer delays related to crew availability."
The eeCrewConnect® platform will be delivered with the standard yet state-of-the-art eeManager tool, which will allow Crew Schedulers to manage all notifications being processed by the system as well as prioritize intervention via the Escalation Management module.
Phil Douglas, CEO of 2e Systems adds, "The eeCrewConnect® platform remains an industry leader in cockpit and cabin crew notifications. More than just a notifications center it increases the success rate in contacting Crew Members during irregular operations. We look forward to developing and customizing the platform for Virgin America."